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Campus Security

The College of Menominee Nation takes the safety and wellbeing of all students, staff, faculty members, and visitors seriously. In an effort to respond in a timely manner to all circumstances, the College has taken a coordinated team approach to address sexual assault, stalking and domestic violence, as well as threats, physical violence, weapons, sexual harassment, sex discrimination, sexual exploitation, and suicidal ideations affecting the CMN community. The College’s efforts are guided by the:

Jeanne Clery Act

The Clery Act promotes campus safety by ensuring students, parents, staff, faculty members, and community members are well informed about important public safety and crime prevention matters. The College is required to disclose accurate and complete crime statistics for incidents occurring on or near campus to ensure that students, prospective students, parents, and employees have access to accurate information about crimes committed on campus and campus security procedures. This Act is tied to federal student financial aid programs and requires CMN to make timely warnings, emergency notifications, and provide annual information about campus crime statistics and security policies. This Act also requires CMN to provide safety policies and procedures that specifically address topics such as sexual assault, sexual harassment, prevention programming, drug and alcohol abuse prevention, and emergency response/evacuation.

Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) &
Campus Sexual Assault Violence Elimination Act (SaVE)

The SaVE Act provides safeguards to reduce the amount of violence perpetrated against women primarily related to dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. The College is required to provide an Annual Security Report. This report includes statistics on incidents of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. Additionally, as a protective measure, the College is required to provide policies, procedures and programming and to collaborate and/or coordinate with outside agencies such as the Maehnowesekiyah Wellness Center - Oskey Wapitah (DV/SA Program) and Crime Victims for resources that will benefit students, staff, and faculty.

CMN has implemented a variety of policies and procedures relating to campus safety and security and will continue to add to and update these policies. These policies and procedures can be found in the following documents:

In addition, the Campus Crime Survey documents the crime statistics for both the Keshena and Green Bay campuses for the last 3 years.

Title IX Policy

Title IX is a federal civil rights law passed as part of the Education Amendments of 1972. This law protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance. Title IX states that: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

The College of Menominee Nation is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for students, faculty, staff, and the public. We are a diverse community dedicated to creating and providing an environment for learning, living, and working that’s free from discrimination, harassment, including sexual violence and misconduct, and retaliation. CMN responds promptly and effectively to all reports and will take appropriate action to prevent, correct, and when necessary, discipline behavior that violates policy.

Anonymous Reporting

If you believe you have been a victim of or are aware of discrimination, harassment, including sexual violence or misconduct, and retaliation, CMN encourages you to report the incident. You have the option to file the report anonymously or you can provide your contact information. The report will go directly to the campus Title IX Coordinator to begin an inquiry into the incident. We respect and pursue to maintain confidentiality in all cases at all times.

Title IX Anonymous Reporting Form (opens in a new window)

Title IX Coordinator (Students):

Kayla Diamond, Interim Dean of Student Success

College of Menominee Nation
P.O. Box 1179
Keshena, WI 54135  

(715)799-6226, ext. 3210

Main Campus – Welcome Center

First Floor – Glen Miller Hall

Room: GMH - 101

Title IX Co-Coordinator (Visitors & Contractors):

Melinda Cook, Chief of Staff

College of Menominee Nation
P.O. Box 1179
Keshena, WI 54135

(715) 799-6226, ext. 3040

Main Campus – President’s Office

Second Floor – Glen Miller Hall

Room: GMH - 207

Title IX Co-Coordinator:

Debbie Downs, Tech Ed Coordinator

College of Menominee Nation
P.O. Box 1179
Keshena, WI 54135

(715) 799-6226, ext. 3185

Main Campus – Trades Building