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Join the CMN Team

Here at CMN, we are committed to achieving excellence in higher education through quality instruction and applied research. The College community is also dedicated to promoting, perpetuating, and nurturing American Indian culture, and providing outreach workshops and community service. These initiatives, as set forth in the College's mission statement, create a variety of opportunities in administration, instruction, sustainable development, and other categories of employment. See below for a full list employment opportunities and job openings at CMN.

If you are interested in working at CMN, you must submit a CMN application, resume, and other requested documents by the closing date listed on the position announcement to:

College of Menominee Nation
Human Resources
PO Box 1179
Keshena, WI 54135

Or e-mail your information to our friendly HR representatives, at

As an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer, minorities, veterans, and women are encouraged to apply. CMN is a Menominee tribal member preference employer as set forth by the MITW Code Chapter 170, otherwise known as Tribal Ordinance No. 82-10.


CMN is pleased to offer a diverse array of benefits for both part and full-time employees, whether as staff or faculty members.

Career Opportunities


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