Student Rights & Responsibilities
The College of Menominee Nation strives to ensure an environment of safety, trust, and mutual respect among students, faculty, and staff. In addition, CMN students are responsible for abiding by the Standards of Student Conduct and participation in activities to enhance CMN’s learning environment.
Enclosed below are the numerous rights all CMN students are entitled to, as well as the standards they are expected to uphold, and the processes by which students may file grievances for violations of either.
- Right to Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination
- Right to Know
- Right to Student Privacy
- Right to a Safe and Secure Environment
- Rights and Protections for Students with Disabilities
- Title IX Harrassment Brochure
Right to Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination
The College is in full compliance with Tribal, State and Federal equal opportunity and affirmative action laws and regulations. CMN is committed to cultural diversity and the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, religion, color, gender, sexual preference, national origin, age, or disability. In adhering to this policy, the College abides by the requirements in Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972, in Title VI and VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, in section 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and in the Age Discrimination Act of 1975.
For additional information on equal opportunity and cultural diversity policies, contact the Chief Academic Officer.
Right to Know
In accordance with the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990 which is Title II of Public Law 101-542, the Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act, and the Higher Education Technical Amendments of 1991, CMN collects and annually disseminates via its website the information required by this legislation. For more information, consult the Chief Academic Officer.
In relation to the Student Right to Know Act, graduation rates are available. For more information, please visit College Navigator.
Right to Student Privacy
CMN complies with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). This act is designed to protect the privacy of educational records, to establish the right of students to inspect their records, and to provide guidelines for the retention, disclosure and correction of those records. A full statement of CMN’s policy regarding the implementation of the act is available under the Federal Consumer Information section of CMN’s website.
At times, a non-school official, such as a parent, guardian or employer, may request student information. CMN will release this information if authorized by the student. The Authorization for Release of Information form, located here, must be completed, signed, and submitted to the Office of the Registrar.
In addition, all disciplinary records are confidential and must not be disclosed in whole or in part unless required under law, including but not limited to FERPA, the U.S. Patriot Act, or by court order. Except in cases involving suspension or expulsion, a student’s disciplinary record shall be separate from a student’s academic record.
All student disciplinary records resulting from academic misconduct shall be retained by the Chief Academic Officer. All student disciplinary records resulting from non-academic misconduct shall be retained by the Chief Academic Officer. Records in which a student received a sanction of less than suspension or expulsion are kept for a reasonable period of time, depending on the student’s status and then destroyed.
Right to a Safe and Secure Environment
Because CMN is a public facility, the public has free access during campus operating hours. Under normal circumstances, hallways and parking lots are lit for safety. Additionally, maintenance personnel make regular rounds throughout the buildings when the buildings are open.
CMN provides locker storage at a minimal cost for students. CMN does not take responsibility for stolen items, as it is the responsibility of the student to safeguard all personal valuables. CMN reserves the right to search students and their lockers only with valid and reasonable just cause. It is recommended that all vehicles be kept locked while on the premises.
The College maintains a cooperative working relationship with local, county, and Tribal police departments. Information is exchanged with law enforcement agencies regarding crime reports to maintain cooperative efforts in preventing campus crime and resolving crime-related problems.
In addition, CMN is committed to ensuring an educational and employment environment free of sexual harassment, sexual violence, and harassment based on sexual orientation. Sexual harassment in any form is a violation of Section 703 of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended in 1972 (42 U.S.C. S 2000e. et.seq.), and Title IX of the Education Amendments (20 U.S.C. 1681, et.seq.).
Rights and Protections for Students with Disabilities
The Student Services Office provides accommodations and support for students with documented disabilities. It is the responsibility of the student to bring forth documentation establishing a disability before services can be initiated. Services may include assistance with College procedures, academic counseling, adaptive equipment, and auxiliary aids. Students are asked to make requests for accommodations or services prior to the start of classes. Animals and pets are not permitted in any of the campus buildings, except when necessary for assistance and with prior approval from the Chief Academic Officer.
For more information, contact an Academic Success Coach.
Title IX Harrassment Brochure
Student Grievances
Any student attending CMN has the right to file a complaint or a grievance with College of Menominee Nation (CMN) or with Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin (MITW).
A student may file a complaint/grievance, which is a written claim raised by a student, a group of students or the student government, alleging improper, unfair, arbitrary, or discriminatory action by a CMN employee, involving the application of a specific provision of the College of Menominee Nation’s regulation or a Board policy or procedure.
- Academic Student Complaints
- Non-Academic Student Complaints
- MITW External Complaint and Grievance Procedure
Academic Student Complaints
Complaints made under this policy will be monitored and reviewed to enable the College to continually improve processes and services in support of student learning.
This policy applies to student, faculty, and staff complaints pertaining to any aspect of any academic policy and procedure of CMN. A written claim raised by a student, a group of students, the student government, faculty, or staff alleging improper, unfair, arbitrary, or discriminatory action between a student and a CMN employee, involving the application of a specific provision of an approved federal regulation or policy or a board policy or procedure.
CMN provides students multiple opportunities where students can submit ideas, formal concerns, complaints, waivers of policy via petition process, grievances, or grade appeals. Student Ideas, suggestions, or even complaints can range from informal, verbal suggestions or concerns to written formal complaints or concerns. Grievances, waivers of policy via petition, and grade appeals are always formal and written. Specific due process procedures, appeals and timelines regarding CMN student rights are documented in writing and made available for viewing via website or hardcopy. Students, faculty, and staff are also informed immediately of their due process rights when discussing potential complaints, grievances, petitions, or grade appeals. Nothing within this process precludes a student from seeking legal counsel at any step.
Student Informal Ideas and Concerns
The culture of CMN provides for an “open-door” unwritten policy amongst CMN employees regarding CMN students and community members. All informal ideas, concerns or complaints recommending academic improvements (e.g. office hour policy, student and/or faculty misconduct etc.) are discussed between the individual(s) making comments and various CMN faculty, staff, or administration. These ideas are taken to faculty meetings or forwarded to departments for consideration as appropriate. For informal concerns, students and community members have multiple points of contact including faculty, Student Government meetings, Department Deans, Program Directors, Human Resources, Academic Affairs Office, Welcome Center, and Retention Department. For many informal concerns, the area that is directly involved responds to the request and remedies the situation as appropriate and necessary. The Retention department also employs an anonymous, locked “Student Suggestion Box” for students, faculty, and staff to use to reflect on customer service and procedures at CMN. The Dean of Student Success will review comments and meet with the Dean of Academic Success to monitor procedures and service provided and adjust if needed.
CMN defines an Informal Complaint as:
An informal complaint is a verbal claim by a student, group of students, CMN employee, or the student government regarding alleged improper, unfair, arbitrary, or discriminatory treatment.
Right to Due Process
A student has a right to the Student Due Process, which includes a ten (10) day timeline to appeal any decision and appeal grievance. If not resolved to the satisfaction of all parties involved, the grievance proceeds to the next step.
CMN defines a Student Due Process as:
Students have the right to use the petition, grade appeal, complaint, and grievance procedures as outlined in this policy/procedure, as well as have allegations of student CMN policy violations heard through the appropriate means established by CMN for due process concerning alleged violations.
CMN defines a Formal Complaint as:
A formal complaint is a written claim by a student, group of students, CMN employee, or the student government regarding alleged improper, unfair, arbitrary, or discriminatory treatment.
A formal student complaint may become a grievance if it is not mutually resolved and if the complaint falls within the definition of a grievance (see definition below). This complaint process applies to claims between a student and a CMN employee when regarding alleged improper, unfair, arbitrary, or discriminatory action between a student and a CMN employee.
Student Formal Complaint Process
CMN provides student opportunity for complaints as found on the College website under Student Rights and Responsibilities. Students are also informed of the complaint process available to them when entering CMN during New Student Orientations held every Spring and Fall Semester. The College strives to provide students multiple access contact points to resolve complaints and concerns with the College. Student Complaint sections in the College Catalog outline how the student may initiate a complaint and the timeline and process the College uses to reach a resolution. All formal student complaints will be anonymous until findings have been filed.
Students are directed to the Dean of Student Success for discussion of concern and the student due process that is available. The process includes informal and formal procedure opportunities, with the intent of resolving complaints as soon and as close to the source as possible. Complaints made in writing are considered to be formal complaints. The process cites a ten (10) day timeline for the Dean of Student Success to start action after receiving a written complaint. Concerns and complaints are encouraged and viewed as opportunities to improve. For reporting, collecting data, and improvement purposes, individual student complaints are electronically recorded and stored with the Dean of Student Success.
Evaluation of the Student Complaint Process Effectiveness
The Academic Catalog committee and lead staff act on student complaint trends and issues as appropriate. Examples of action improvements based on complaints include an instructor review and potential mentor(s) for new instructors if complaints merit action, and a confidential behavioral procedure regarding student-to-student conflicts given on a “need-to-know” basis to students’ instructors and staff. The process for formal complaints is located on the College website under Student Rights and Responsibilities.
Any student or group of students may present or discuss a complaint. All complaints should be made within the same semester, or within a similar reasonable timeframe for it to be acted on.
There are several ways a student can approach their concerns regarding a complaint.
CMN defines a Complaint as:
A complaint is an informal claim by a student, group of students, CMN employee, or the student government regarding alleged improper, unfair, arbitrary, or discriminatory treatment.
A student complaint may become a grievance if it is not mutually resolved and if the complaint falls within the definition of a grievance (see definition below). This complaint process applies to claims by any CMN employee only when regarding alleged improper, unfair, arbitrary, or discriminatory treatment from any CMN student.
Complaint Steps/Procedures & Timelines
If the complaint is regarding another student (student to student), the student should:
First discuss the concern with their Academic Success Coach. If it is not resolved at that level, the student should then complete the Student to Student Complaint Form.
The Dean of Student Success will discuss the issue with the student to determine what the next steps should be.
If the complaint is regarding a faculty of CMN (Student to Faculty), the student should:
First try to meet with the Academic Success Coach to discuss and resolve the issue. If it is not resolved at that level; the student should then complete the Student to Faculty Complaint Form.
The Dean of Student Success will then meet with the Dean of Academic Success.
All official complaints received by the Dean of Student Success are acted on within ten (10) business days barring extenuating circumstances. If the complaint is not satisfactorily resolved within a reasonable amount of time, the complaint is forwarded to the Chief Academic Officer for resolution. If the complaint is not satisfactorily resolved within ten (10) business days then it will be forwarded to the President for resolution.
All completed Complaint Forms received by the Dean of Student Success will be acted on by the Dean within ten (10) working days barring extenuating circumstances. If the complaint is not satisfactorily resolved or rectified within a reasonable amount of time after following the above steps, the complaint may be given by the Dean of Student Success or complainant to the Chief Academic Officer for final resolution.
These procedures are to be used when a student has a concern about his/her academic treatment at the college. The objective of the procedure is to resolve problems as quickly and efficiently as possible at the level closest to the student so that student progress can continue. The student may have a representative in attendance for any and all such meetings.
A student may file a grievance, the process of which can be found on the College website, under Student Rights and Responsibilities. A student may file a grievance, which is a written claim raised by a student, a group of students or the student government, alleging improper, unfair, arbitrary, or discriminatory action by an employee, involving the application of a specific provision of an approved federal regulation or policy or a board policy or procedure.
In all instances that follow, the term “days” does not include Saturdays, Sundays, holidays or breaks in the academic year.
CMN defines a Grievance as:
A written claim raised by a student, a group of students or the student government, alleging improper, unfair, arbitrary, or discriminatory action by an employee, involving the application of a specific provision of an approved federal regulation or policy or a board policy or procedure.
Grievances are more formal than complaints, and student grievances must be completed in written form, and written records and minutes will be kept of all meetings and discussions as well as of grievance summaries/agreements. Timelines listed below include that the process completed by the Dean of Student Success must respond to students within five (5) days after receiving a written grievance, and another written response, if needed, within five (5) days of first response, which could last up to ten (10) days.
Grievance Steps/Procedures & Timelines
1. A student may file a grievance at any time after any alleged improper, unfair, arbitrary, or discriminatory action has been committed by any CMN employee.
A student can obtain a grievance form from the Dean of Student Success. Each student has the right to be represented by their own designated individual, if desired.
A student should fill out the form completely. Be very specific, listing person(s) involved, time(s), date(s), and location(s) of the incident(s) alleging any improper, unfair, arbitrary, or discriminatory action by any employee involving the application of a specific provision of an approved federal regulation or policy or board policy or procedure.
If a student chooses to have a designee, the student must sign the Authorization of Release of Information Form and the Grievance Form and return the completed forms to the office of the Dean of Student Success. The Dean of Student Success has five (5) days to provide a first written response to the student regarding the grievance, citing action or additional research needed to be taken. Within five (5) days following the first response to the student, another written response will be given to the student, and if appropriate, the student designee, giving notice of the decision. If not resolved to the satisfaction of all parties involved, the grievance will proceed to the next step.
The Dean of Student Success will schedule a meeting(s) to talk to the grievant, student designee if appropriate, and the person who is the subject of the complaint.
Records and minutes agreed upon by all parties involved will be kept on all meetings and discussions and may be consulted for future reference.
Written summaries/agreements of the parties involved will follow any discussion.
The grievance procedure includes an opportunity to appeal a grievance decision. A student may appeal an official grievance within ten (10) days of receiving the decision. If the complaint is not satisfactorily resolved within a reasonable amount of time, the complaint is forwarded to the Chief Academic Officer for resolution. If the complaint is not satisfactorily resolved within ten (10) days then it will be forwarded to the President for resolution.
The Chief Academic Officer meets with the grievant, student designee if appropriate, and the person who is the subject of the grievance. The Chief Academic Officer has five (5) days to provide a first written response to the student regarding the grievance, citing action or additional research needed to be taken. Within five (5) days following the first response to the student, another written response will be given to the student, and if appropriate, the student designee, giving notice of the decision. If not resolved to the satisfaction of all parties involved, the grievance will proceed to the next step.
Meeting records and minutes agreed upon by all parties are kept for future reference.
The grievant may appeal the decision to the President or the President’s designee within ten (10) days of receiving the decision. The President or designee may appoint an ad hoc grievance committee to hear the appeal and then render an advisory opinion to the President or designee. The Ad Hoc Grievance Committee will consist of 5 members: 3 faculty, 1 staff member, and 1 administrator.
Based on the advisory opinion of the ad hoc grievance committee, the President will provide a written decision to the student, and if appropriate, the student designee. The decision of the President or designee is final and binding.
Non-Academic Student Complaints
Complaints made under this policy will be monitored and reviewed to enable the College to continually improve processes and services in support of student learning. This policy applies to students, pertaining to any aspect of any academic policy and procedure of CMN. A written claim raised by a student, a group of students, the student government, faculty, or staff alleging improper, unfair, arbitrary, or discriminatory action between a student and a CMN employee, involving the application of a specific provision of an approved federal regulation or policy or a board policy or procedure.
If the complaint is regarding another student (student to student), the
student should:
1. First discuss the concern with their Academic Success Coach. If it is not resolved at that level, the student should then complete.
2. Fill out a Student to Student Complaint Form. The Dean of Student Success will discuss the issue with the student to determine what the next steps should be.
If the complaint is regarding an employee of CMN (student to employee), the student should:
1. First try to meet with the Dean of Student Success to discuss and resolve the issue. If it is not resolved at that level, the student should then complete a Student to Employee Complaint Form (found in step 2).
2. Fill out a Student to Employee Complaint Form. The Dean of Student Success will then meet with the employee. If needed, the Dean of Student Success will contact the employee’s supervisor to discuss the complaint.
All official complaints received by the Dean of Student Success are acted on within ten (10) business days barring extenuating circumstances. If the complaint is not satisfactorily resolved within a reasonable amount of time, the complaint is forwarded to the Chief Academic Officer for resolution. If the complaint is not satisfactorily resolved within ten (10) business days then it will be forwarded to the President for resolution.
All completed Complaint Forms received by the Dean of Student Success will be acted on by the Dean within ten (10) working days barring extenuating circumstances. If the complaint is not satisfactorily resolved or rectified within a reasonable amount of time after following the above steps, the complaint may be given by the Dean of Student Success or complainant to the Chief Academic Officer for final resolution.
These procedures are to be used when a student has a concern about their treatment at the college. The objective of the procedure is to resolve problems as quickly and efficiently as possible at the level closest to the student so that student progress can continue. The student may have a representative in attendance for any and all such meetings. Please submit the completed Student to Employee Complaint Form to the Dean of Student Success to start the process.
MITW External Complaint and Grievance Procedure
**Students who do not agree with CMN’s internal complaint or grievance process outcome can utilize the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin General Complaint Policy.
General Guidelines for filing a grievance through the Menominee Tribe of Wisconsin (MITW)
- Complete the MITW-complaint form, available on the MITW website at: under forms; or click here.
- Complete the MITW general complaint form and attach any documentation that may be relevant to the complaint.
- Completed complaint forms and any documentation can be submitted to the MITW Director of Legal Services, Legal Services’ Department, located at W2908 Tribal Offices Loop Road. Keshena WI 54135. Call (715)799-5213 for questions.
The decision of the MITW Director is final and binding.
Standards of Student Conduct
College of Menominee Nation students accept responsibility for compliance with the College’s policies and expectations. Students are responsible for becoming familiar with these policies and the Standards of Student Conduct. Failure to be informed is not an excuse for inappropriate behavior as it relates to the policies. The Standards of Student Conduct apply to student behavior on campus, at College activities, during internships, and on College-sponsored trips.
CMN promotes the integration of traditional Native American values with all of its programs. CMN expects students to respect the rights and property of the College, the Menominee Indian Tribe and other tribes as appropriate, the community and its students, and to know and observe Tribal, State, and Federal laws.
Traditional Native American teachings charge all with seeking the virtues of honesty, respect, bravery, wisdom, cooperation, humility, and truth. In keeping with this spirit, students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner which is a credit to themselves, the College, their families and communities.
- Academic Misconduct
- Non-Academic Misconduct
- Background Checks and the Wisconsin Caregiver Law
- Participation in CMN Assessments
- Class Attendance
- Class Cancellations & Campus Closings
Academic Misconduct
CMN students are expected to be honest in their endeavor to attain a college education. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to:
- dishonest conduct during examinations or tests
- plagiarism
- disruption of instructional activities
- altering of a student’s academic records.
Academic misconduct is not tolerated. A complaint regarding any allegation of academic misconduct may be forwarded to a Disciplinary Committee for action, which includes suspension. Academic misconduct suspension may result in students being financially responsible for their bills and may result in a failure of their courses.
- Core Policy
- Disciplinary Levels and Sanctions
- Disciplinary Rights and Responsibilities
- Disciplinary Hearings
- Appeal to the President
Core Policy
Academic integrity is an essential component of teaching, learning, and research; it is fundamental to the nature of a college or university. CMN upholds the principle of academic integrity, whereby appropriate acknowledgement is given to the contributions of others to any work.
Academic misconduct is an act in which a student:
- Uses internet or any other source and seeks to claim credit for the work or efforts of another without authorization or citation;
- Uses unauthorized materials or fabricated data in any academic exercise;
- Forges or falsifies academic documents or records;
- Intentionally impedes or damages the academic work of others;
- Engages in conduct aimed at making false representation of a student’s academic performance; or
- Assists other students in any of these acts.
Examples of academic misconduct include, but are not limited to: cheating on an examination; collaborating with others in work to be presented contrary to the stated rules of the courses; submitting a paper or assignment as one’s own work when a part or all of the paper is the work of another; submitting a paper or assignment that contains ideas or research of others without appropriately identifying the sources of those ideas; stealing examinations or course materials; submitting, if contrary to the rules of a course, work previously presented in another course; tampering with the laboratory experiment or computer program of another student; knowingly and intentionally assisting another student in any of the above, including assistance in an arrangement whereby any work, classroom performance, examination or other activity is submitted or performed by a person other than the student under whose name the work is originally submitted or performed.
No disciplinary sanction may be imposed under this section unless the faculty member demonstrates, via course syllabus or otherwise, that the student was provided reasonable opportunity to be aware of the existence of this policy and promptly offers to discuss the matter with the student. The purpose of this discussion is to permit the faculty member to review with the student the basis for his or her belief that the student engaged in academic misconduct, and to afford the student an opportunity to respond.
A student who receives a disciplinary sanction under this section has the right to a hearing before a Disciplinary Committee to contest the determination that academic misconduct occurred, or the disciplinary sanction imposed, or both. If the student desires such a hearing, she/he must file a written request with the Chief Academic Officer. The Chief Academic Officer appoints members to the Disciplinary Committee.
Disciplinary Levels and Sanctions
Level I Violation (faculty member discretion): If, following a preliminary investigation by the faculty member, it is determined that the violation is a first-time offense that involved a small portion and/or procedural element of the assignment and occurred as a result of the student’s lack of knowledge regarding plagiarism and academic misconduct policy tenets, the options for the sanctions that may be imposed include an oral reprimand, an assignment to repeat the work, and/or a tutorial on academic honesty to be completed by the student.
Level II Violation (faculty member discretion/Disciplinary Committee): If, following a preliminary investigation by the faculty member, it is determined that the violation is a first-time offense but involves a more significant portion and/or procedural element of the assignment, and/or reflects student intent to violate or subvert plagiarism and academic misconduct policy tenets, the options for that sanctions that may be imposed include a written reprimand placed in the student’s non-transferable academic records file, a tutorial on academic honesty to be completed by the student, a lower or failing grade on the particular assignment or test, a lower grade in the course, and/or a failing grade in the course.
Level III Violation (Disciplinary Committee): If, following a preliminary investigation by the faculty member and subsequent investigations by a Disciplinary Committee, it is determined that the violation is a repeat offense and/or reflects student intent to violate or subvert plagiarism and academic misconduct policy tenets, the options for sanctions that may be imposed include disciplinary probation, removal of the student from the course in progress (any tuition or fees for the course to be paid by the student), removal of the student from the program, and/or suspension or expulsion from the college.
Disciplinary Rights and Responsibilities
Within this process, student rights and faculty member responsibilities include:
- Closely related or immediate family members of the parties are not allowed to take part in the process.
- If any faculty member concludes that proceedings under this section are warranted, the faculty member shall promptly in writing offer to discuss the matter with the student.
- The purpose of the written notification is to allow the faculty member to review with the student the basis for his or her belief that the student engaged in academic misconduct, and to afford the student an opportunity to respond.
- If, as a result of student and faculty member discussions, the faculty member determines that academic misconduct did not in fact occur or that no disciplinary sanction is warranted under the circumstances, the matter will be considered resolved without the necessity for further action or a written report.
- If, as a result of student and faculty member discussions the faculty member determines that academic misconduct did occur and that one or more disciplinary sanctions should be recommended, the faculty member shall prepare a written report so informing the student, which shall contain the following:
- A description of the misconduct;
- Specification of the sanction recommended; and
- Notice of the student’s right to request a hearing before a Disciplinary Committee.
- The written report shall be delivered personally to the student via email at the student’s CMN email address and/or via regular first class US mail at his or her current address as it appears in the institutional records. Copies of the report shall be provided to the Chief Academic Officer and a Disciplinary Committee, if appropriate.
Disciplinary Hearings
- A student who receives a written report has the right to a hearing before a Disciplinary Committee to contest the determination that academic misconduct occurred, or the choice of disciplinary sanction, or both. If the student desires the hearing before the Disciplinary Committee, the student must file a written request with the Chief Academic Officer within ten (10) days of personal delivery, via email or US first class mail, of the written report. If the student does not request a hearing within this period, the determination of academic misconduct shall be regarded as final, and the disciplinary sanction recommended shall be imposed.
- If a student requests a hearing, or a hearing is required to be scheduled, the Chief Academic Officer shall appoint a Disciplinary Committee. The Disciplinary Committee shall take the necessary steps to convene the academic misconduct hearing and shall schedule the hearing within ten (10) days of receipt of the request or written report, unless a different time period is mutually agreed upon by the student, faculty member or investigating officer, and the members of the Disciplinary Committee.
- Reasonably in advance of the hearing, a Disciplinary Committee shall obtain from the faculty member a written report detailing the facts upon which the determination of misconduct was based.
- The hearing before a Disciplinary Committee shall be conducted in accordance with the following requirements:
- The student shall have the right to question adverse witnesses, the right to present evidence and witnesses, and to be heard on his or her own behalf, and the right to be accompanied by a representative of his or her choice.
- A Disciplinary Committee shall not be bound by common law or statutory rules of evidence and may admit evidence having reasonable probative value, but shall exclude immaterial, irrelevant, or unduly repetitious testimony, and shall give effect to recognized legal privileges.
- A Disciplinary Committee shall make a record of the hearing.
- A Disciplinary Committee shall prepare written findings of fact and written statement of its decision based upon the record of the hearing.
- A Disciplinary Committee may find academic misconduct and impose a sanction of suspension or expulsion only if the proof of such misconduct is clear and convincing. In either case, a find of misconduct must be based on a preponderance of the credible evidence.
- A Disciplinary Committee may impose a disciplinary sanction that differs from the recommendation of the faculty member.
- The faculty member may be witness at the hearing conducted by a Disciplinary Committee but must not have responsibility for conducting the hearing.
The decision of a Disciplinary Committee shall be served upon the student by personal delivery, via email and/or US first class mail, and shall become final within ten (10) days of the date of service, unless an appeal is taken to the President.
Appeal to the President
When the sanction prescribed by a Disciplinary Committee is suspension or expulsion, the student may appeal to the President (or his/her designee) to review the decision of a Disciplinary Committee on the record. In such a case, the President shall sustain the decision of a Disciplinary Committee unless the President finds:
- The evidence of record does not support the findings and recommendations of a Disciplinary Committee;
- Established procedures were not followed by a Disciplinary Committee and material prejudice to the student resulted; or
- If the President finds she/he may remand the matter for consideration by a different hearing committee, or, in the alternative, may invoke an appropriate remedy of his or her own.
Non-Academic Misconduct
Non-academic misconduct is not tolerated in any form, which includes, but is not limited to:
- harassment
- disorderly conduct
- solicitation
- Stalking
- alcohol/drug violations
- theft
- general deception of any kind
Allegations of non-academic misconduct are forwarded to the Judicial Council for resolution, which may include suspension. The College reserves the right to ask students, visitors, or staff members to alter their behavior or leave the premises. If they refuse to alter their behavior or leave the premises, law enforcement are called in as necessary for noncompliance. Non-academic misconduct suspension may result students being financially responsible for their bills and may result in a failure of their courses.
Core Policy
An alleged incident of non-academic misconduct shall be reported to the Chief Academic Officer as soon as possible following the discovery of the alleged inappropriate behavior. Any member of the CMN community may initiate the complaint, including a student, staff, faculty member, or campus guest. Any immediate potential life-threatening or uncontrolled behavior is reported immediately to the local law enforcement authorities. The Chief Academic Officer, upon receipt of a complaint, may refer the complaint to the CMN Judicial Council, a team of three CMN staff members, for resolution, or may, depending upon circumstances and severity, resolve the matter without a hearing.
For any disciplinary matter before the Judicial Council, written charges and notice of hearing shall be sent to the student’s CMN email address as well as by certified mail at the student’s current address as it appears in institutional records at least five (5) business days prior to the hearing date. The notice shall contain a statement of the rule or policy alleged to have been violated, a summary of the facts and notice of date, time, and place of hearing. The right to present one’s own defense or to choose a CMN student or staff member to speak on one’s behalf is allowed. In the event an accused student fails to appear at the time of the hearing, the hearing will proceed as scheduled.
All Judicial Council hearings shall be recorded, excluding deliberations. The standard of proof is “more likely than not,” that a code of student conduct has been violated. Judicial Council hearings are closed unless both sides agree to an open hearing. The Council generally renders a written decision within ten (10) business days of the hearing.
CMN staff members shall be selected as needed by the Chief Academic Officer for service to the Judicial Council. Three will be chosen by the Chief Academic Officer to hear a particular case. Two out of three members chosen constitute a quorum and may hear a case. The Judicial Council hearing does not prohibit or prevent civil or criminal proceedings. Each member of the Judicial Council will receive formal instructions on the hearing process before being allowed to adjudicate a case.
The Judicial Council decision of action may include, but is not limited to the following:
- No action;
- Official warning – written or oral;
- Educational sanction/project;
- Probation;
- Suspension;
- Loss of privileges;
- Registration/Graduation hold;
- Restitution;
- Referral to appropriate legal authorities;
- Community service;
- Program participation; or
- Expulsion.
Appeal of Judicial Council Sanction
A student may file a written appeal with the President. The appeal must be filed no later than seven (7) business days after the notice of decision and sanction is mailed to the student. Grounds for appeal are:
- Newly disclosed and relevant evidence;
- Unreasonable sanctions;
- Failure to follow procedure; or
- Other substantial, relevant material.
The appeal must specifically state in writing the reason(s) for the appeal. An appeal does not delay the imposition of sanctions.
The President reviews the appeal and generally issues a decision within ten (10) days of receiving the appeal. The President's decision is final.
Background Checks and the Wisconsin Caregiver Law
The Wisconsin State Legislature requires a background check under the Caregiver Law §48.685 and 50.065 Stats. To comply with federal and state laws and regulations, background checks for certain degree programs are conducted.
Although CMN does not exclude students based upon the results of this background check, cooperating agencies reserve the right to refuse admittance of any student to their facility based on the information obtained in the background checks. Cooperating agency refusal to accept a student may result in the student not being able to complete the requirements necessary for progression in their desired degree program.
For more information on specific degree programs that require background checks, contact an Academic Success Coach.
Participation in CMN Assessments
All students are required to participate in various assessment activities. Assessments may include pre- and post-tests, portfolios, instructor evaluations, job placement information, various surveys, and College and community activities. These assessments provide valuable information about progress in achieving CMN’s mission, general education objectives, and program outcomes.
General Education Objectives:
The broad abilities gained by CMN graduates in critical thinking, problem-solving or decision- making, communication, culture and history, civic service, professional skills, and leadership.
Program Outcomes:
The program-specific statements identifying the knowledge, skills, and attitudes a student should attain in route to graduation.
Faculty members, administration, and staff use results from these assessments to improve curriculum, instruction, and services. These results may be reported to accrediting agencies.
Class Attendance
CMN expects students to attend all classes to ensure classroom success as well as to protect their overall academic standing and financial aid. The College requires faculty members to record attendance. Students who miss class, for any reason, are responsible for the work missed. Faculty members are not required to duplicate class experiences missed by absent students. Students are responsible for completing assignments as described in the course syllabus or required by faculty members.
Faculty members inform students in the course syllabus of the policies and procedures regarding punctuality and make-up work for their courses. Students may only attend the section for which they are registered.
Class Cancellations & Campus Closings
Notification of class cancellations are posted on campus. If no announcement/posting is made, students should remain for ten (10) minutes after class is scheduled to begin.
Closures resulting from severe weather conditions, natural disasters, or mechanical failure are announced by the Chief Academic Officer.
Campus closings are announced through School Messenger, Text Messages, on the electronic monitors/signs, on WTCH-AM 960 radio and Green Bay TV stations.
When in doubt, a student should call (715) 799-5600 or (800) 567-2344, where a recorded message is posted indicating any cancellations.
Alcohol and Illegal Drugs
- Drug Free Schools and Communities Act
- AODA Effects on Health and Prevention Strategies
- Student Resources for Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment
- Tribal Sanctions
- State of Wisconsin Sanctions
- Federal Sanctions
- Smoking Policy
Drug Free Schools and Communities Act
The Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, Public Law 101-226, requires that each institution of higher education shall annually distribute to each student and employee information that clearly sets forth institutional policy regarding the prohibition of illicit drugs and alcohol. CMN subscribes to the goals of the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act and takes this opportunity to alert students and employees to our expectations.
It is unlawful to sell, furnish, or provide alcohol to a person under the age of 21. The possession of alcohol by anyone under 21 years of age on CMN’s campus is illegal under both tribal and state law. Likewise, the possession, sale, manufacture, or distribution of any controlled substance on CMN’s campus is illegal under tribal, state, and federal laws. In both cases, violators will be referred to local law enforcement and are subject to disciplinary action, criminal prosecution, fines, and / or imprisonment. Further, students who violate this policy will be subject to CMN’s non-academic misconduct policy.
The College of Menominee Nation prohibits the unlawful possession, use, distribution, manufacture, or dispensing of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees on campus property or as part of campus activities.
CMN reports any alleged non-academic misconduct to the Chief Academic Officer for potential action by the Chief Academic Officer or referral to a hearing process through the CMN Judicial Council. Violation of these provisions by a student may lead to the imposition of a disciplinary sanction, up to and including suspension or expulsion. Please see the non-academic misconduct section for additional details. Referral for prosecution under criminal law is also possible.
AODA Effects on Health and Prevention Strategies
CMN recognizes that drug and alcohol dependency or abuse can cause major health problems, as well as safety and security problems.
Alcohol or drug abuse means that the use of a substance has caused a problem in the life of either the user or a significant other. Dependency means that the person is using to feel normal and has no ability to abstain. Students are encouraged to address problems due to alcohol or other drug use as soon as possible.
Students are expected to become familiar with the materials related to the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act.
Students in need of assistance are encouraged to contact their Academic Success Coach or faculty advisor. Students will be provided information regarding outside services available for assessment, counseling, and treatment options. See CMN’s family resource listing for specific resources. Conscientious efforts to seek help shall not jeopardize any student’s enrollment and will not be noted in the student’s educational record. Any assistance provided can be done anonymously and is kept completely confidential within legal guidelines. If needed, this could include referral to agencies providing AODA treatment.
Student Resources for Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment
The Menominee Tribe, and other tribal agencies serving tribal students at CMN, provide AODA services. Locally these include Maehnowesekiyah Wellness Center (715-799-3835), and for Menominee County residents the Menominee County Health and Human Services Department (715-799-3861).
Additionally, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services provides information about statewide and local resources for drug and alcohol abuse treatment for all students via their website:
The federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration can also provide information at and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services at
- Live Another Day - Extensive information on mental health and substance use resources for People of Color. Their mission is equal access to life-saving resources.
- Detox Local - An excellent resource that features abundant information including mental health and substance use resources specifically for the AAPI (American Asian and Pacific Islander) community.
Tribal Sanctions
The Menominee Tribe of Wisconsin penalties for drug possession and trafficking fall under Tribal Code Chapter 306. Under these guidelines, offenders can be sentenced to up to one (1) year tribal incarceration and up to $5,000 in fines or the offense may be referred for federal prosecution based on factors surrounding the offense. Additionally, Tribal Code Chapter 250 adopts many similar State of Wisconsin penalties for alcohol abuse violations.
State of Wisconsin Sanctions
The laws of Wisconsin prohibit drug possession and delivery through the Uniform Controlled Substances Act, Wis. Stat. 161, and mandate stiff penalties that include up to 15 years of prison and fines up to $500,000. A person with a first-time conviction for possession of a controlled substance can be sentenced to up to one year in prison and fined up to $5,000, under Wis. Stat. 161.41(2r)(b). The penalties vary according to the amount of drug confiscated, the type of drug found, the number of previous offenses by the individual, and whether the individual intended to manufacture the drug, sell the drug, or use the drug. See Wis. Stat. 161.41. In addition to the stringent penalties for possession or delivery, the sentences can be doubled when exacerbating factors are present, such as when a person distributes a controlled substance to a minor, Wis. Stat. 161.46(1).
Substantial restrictions against alcohol abuse also exist in Wisconsin. It is against the law to sell alcohol to anyone who has not reached the legal drinking age of 21, and there is a concurrent duty on the part of an adult to prevent the illegal consumption of alcohol on his premises, Wis. Stat. 125.07 (1)(a)(1). Violation of this statute can result in a $500 fine. It is against the law for an underage person to attempt to buy an alcoholic beverage, falsely represent his age, or enter a licensed premises, and that person can be fined $500, ordered to participate in a supervised work program, and have his/her driver’s license suspended, Wis. Stat. 125.07(4)(3). Harsher penalties exist for the retailers of alcoholic beverages, including up to 90 days in jail and revocation of the retail liquor permit.
Federal Sanctions
The Federal Sentencing Guidelines specify penalties related to drug possession and trafficking. Under these guidelines, courts can sentence a person to up to six (6) years for unlawful possession of a controlled substance, including the distribution of a small amount (less than 250 grams) of marijuana. A sentence of life imprisonment can result from a conviction of possession of a controlled substance that results in death or bodily injury. Possession of more than five grams of cocaine can trigger an intent to distribute penalty of 10-16 years in prison, U.S.S.G. s. 2D2.1 (b) (1).
Smoking Policy
CMN supports people who care about their health and encourages people to stop smoking. In addition, CMN recognizes not only the health hazards smoking and smokeless tobacco use contribute to institutional costs, including fire damage, cleaning and maintenance costs, and costs associated with employee and student absenteeism, health care, and medical insurance.
Therefore, the use of all tobacco products; (with the exception for use in ceremonial purposes) including cigarettes, smokeless tobacco (i.e., “e-cigarettes”) cigars, chewing tobacco and any snuff is banned on both CMN campuses and in CMN owned and leased vehicles. Because there is no safe tobacco product, the only logical action is to promote a campus that is tobacco-free.
Violating this policy could result in sanctions and fines. It is the policy of the College of Menominee Nation to promote the health, well-being and safety of students, faculty member, staff and visitors while on CMN campuses.
Weapons Policy
Unauthorized possession or use of weapons on CMN property (owned or controlled) is strictly prohibited. Weapons include, but are not limited to: firearms, ammunition, knives (except for small pocket knives), BB guns, pellet guns, fireworks, or other dangerous objects or substances. Law enforcement officials may be exempt from this rule. Students, staff, faculty member, and employees are allowed to keep firearms in their vehicles in the parking areas ONLY if consistent with their legal status (licensed or unlicensed) and consistent with Tribal, State, and Federal laws. No firearms or weapons are allowed in any buildings or job sites. Members of our campus should report potential violations to law enforcement authorities and notify campus personnel to ensure the safety of others.
Practices for Verification of Student Identity
The College currently delivers about a dozen course sections by Blended Instructional Television (ITV) each semester. These courses are delivered live and originate at the Keshena Campus or the Oneida/Green Bay Campus. Faculty can see all the students live or on camera at both locations simultaneously. Faculty also rotate the delivery location of the course from time to time so students at both locations benefit from faculty being on campus and having access for office hours, etc. The section enrollment is capped at 15 students at each location. This number does not exceed the instructor’s ability to recognize and know each student by face and name.