Community Technology Center
One of the newest buildings on the College of Menominee Nation’s Keshena campus, our Community Technology Center opened in 2012. Part of a national effort to bring fast, reliable Internet service to under-served communities across the U.S., the CTC was also founded to help train elders, youth, small business owners, and others in rural areas not as proficient in the ins and outs of the "Information Superhighway."
With a $3.35 million Commerce Department grant, CMN answered the call. Service to residents of the Menominee reservation and surrounding communities included intensive staff-supported training on how to navigate the Internet, including focuses on e-mail, Skype, and search engine functionality.
Today, the center remains a public wi-fi café with computers for community users and is home to educational and service programs for both the public and CMN students.
Our current resources include:
- The Menominee Specialty Center
- CMN’s Department of Continuing Education
- The offices of Menominee County/Nation UW-Extension.
The building is also home for outreach and development activities such as the Summer Transportation Institute and Youth Heritage programs for community youth, and gardening, cooking, native crafts, and other interests for community adults.
The Menominee Job Center provides a monthly calendar of activities for individuals pursuing employment or looking to build their professional skills. The Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) administered by the Job Center provides funding for intensive career counseling, as well as tuition assistance for students seeking in-demand careers.
Visit the Community Technology Center at the Main Campus of the College of Menominee Nation,
located at N172 HWY 47-55 in Keshena, Wisconsin.