Our College relies on friends for advocacy, good counsel, and the philanthropic support that helps us serve our students, especially those who rely on scholarships and other aid. Nearby friends see the power of positive change that the College of Menominee Nation brings to the lives of its students and to the vitality of its communities. Far away friends know us by our inspiring stories and the good reputation of CMN accomplishments.
The College of Menominee Nation's Advancement Office exists as a bridge between the College and its friends, helping to tell the CMN story, introduce new friends to our mission, and find others who will want to become supporters.
The Advancement Office invites all who are interested to make the College part of their charitable giving through the CMN Annual Fund. Other giving opportunities include gifts designated for specific programs or purposes, and participation as a player or donor in CMN’s annual benefit golf outing. Supporters are also invited to special educational, cultural, and arts events on the campuses in Keshena and Green Bay to learn our approach to learning, enjoy facilities, and see CMN in action.
Contact Us
Advancement Office staff members are here to explain how your charitable contribution will serve Indian and non-Indian students, advance our educational theme of learning that fosters sustainable living, and improve the quality of life for people everywhere.
As a Federally-recognized 501(c)(3) charitable organization, the College of Menominee Nation is authorized to accept philanthropic donations and to provide you with an acknowledgement of your gift for your files. You may make a contribution in either of the following ways:
- Mail a check payable to "College of Menominee Nation" to Advancement Office, College of Menominee Nation, PO Box 1179, Keshena, WI 54135. Indicate any specific wishes you have regarding your gift, for example, for use where need is greatest, for scholarship purposes, or as in honor or in memory of someone of your choice. Include your name, address, phone and/or e-mail address so that we may provide you by return mail with a letter of acknowledgement for your tax file.
- E-mail or leave a voice mail with Extension 3114 at the Advancement Office number below indicating that you wish to make a gift. A staff member will get back to you concerning credit card and other options.