Real estate or personal property that you no longer need may have significant value to CMN and in some instances a gift of this type may have substantial tax benefits for you. Real estate examples are a personal residence or vacation home, farm or commercial property, or undeveloped land. Personal property might include valuable works of art, rare collections, equipment, jewelry or antiques.
The valuation of a gift in kind for IRS tax purposes must be determined by the donor through a qualified appraisal. The College will describe the gift and acknowledge its receipt but is not permitted to issue a statement of worth.
Please initiate a discussion with the Advancement Office via, or call us at 800-567-2344 or 715-799-6226, ext. 3114 if you are considering the donation of a gift in kind. This will assure that acceptance of the property is compatible with CMN’s mission and objectives and that CMN is able to provide appropriate care, maintenance, or disposition of your gift.